Livestock for sale
Guide to Sale Terms And Arrangements
guide to sale terms and arrangements
We will agree with you in advance an appropriate quarantine, worming, testing and vaccination plan for the animals before they leave the farm.
Sheep are double EID tagged from birth. We will provide you with full pedigree details (for pedigree stock), full birth, health, breeding, weight and movement forms (paper based or electronic) and all movement forms / passports.
We will provide you with after-sale health and welfare advice and we can assist you in preparing a management plan that will satisfy organic and conservation standards.
For those new to sheep-keeping please contact us for a free guide to the relevant regulatory requirements and for assistance on what you should do prior to delivery of any stock.
Transport: delivery (if required) charged at £10 per hour travelling / unloading + a per mile fuel charge (return trip). We will agree a fixed charge in advance.
Please contact us for further details on livestock sales, stock enquiries and further information.